M40 High Air Pressure DTH Hammer Bakeng sa Mochini oa ho Cheka Metsi
Khatello e Phahameng ea Moea SD12 DTH Drill Hammer And Bits
CIR SERIES Konopo ea Tlase ea Khatello e fokotsa likotoana tsa DTH
CIR 110 Feme e fana ka theko e ntle ka ho fetisisa CIR DTH Hammer konopo e nyane ea khatello e tlase ea moea
DTH hamore e theosa le lesoba cheka konopo ea khatello e phahameng
Konopo ea SD High Pressure e bitsetsa Dth Hammer Drill Bit
Konopo ea NUMA High Pressure e bitsetsa Metsi a Welling Drill Bit
250x3000mm Qetello ea khoele ea seliba sa metsi PVC casing pipe ea Metsi hantle Khoele End PVC Casing Pipe
40x3000mm PVC Well Casing le Screen Pipe Water Well Casing Pipe e rekisoang
63x6000mm Good Quality Food Grade Cut PVC Slotted Pipe for Wells
Li-adapter tsa Boart HD 155 TC35 shank
Plug Hole Integral Drill Steel Rod Rock Drill Tools For Mining Blast with shank H19x108mm